Meet The Team

  • Headshot of Michael Moore, Co-Founder of Somatic VR.

    Michael Moore

    Role: Business Ops

    Favorite Game: Outer Wilds (VR Mod)

    Video games have always a massive part of my life ever since my first Gameboy Color showed me the limitless possibilities of pixels. Now I am just thrilled that I can work on software and hardware to make them even more immersive!

  • Headshot of Thomas Karl, Co-Founder of Somatic VR.

    Thomas Karl

    Role: Creating Product

    Favorite Game: Space Engineers

    A penchant for taking things apart since I was old enough to hold a screw driver has led to me to where I am now an adult getting to put gadgets together for an industry that I am incredibly passionate about!

Story of Somatic

This image shows the earliest stages of VR development by governmental agencies such as NASA to create immersive virtual environments. Notice that even back then, NASA believed that the future of VR was free of plastic controllers.

Limited Technology Limitless Possibility

Our fascination with VR dates back to early tech demos from the 90’s and has carried through the countless peaks and valleys of the hype cycle that have come over the years.

placeholder image until we can get a pic of Tom and Michael at the old office

A Dream Is Born

In the summer of 2022, we both decided to leave our jobs to pursue this life long dream of being able to physically explore and interact with virtual worlds.

This is an image of our first prototypes for full-body tracking and resistive feedback for the lower body. Our goal was to create the most immersive experience possible for virtual reality games and experiences.

Our First Steps

We started our journey by modding existing equipment with a wide range of sensors to track movement and experiment with resistive haptics.

EROS Trackers are compact devices that measure rotation data in order to calculate the movement of a user for full-body motion tracking. These trackers are specifically designed to be used with the SlimeVR Server to enable full-body experiences in Virtual Reality.

Open-Source At Our Core

After 11 months of prototypes, hand cramps, robotic arm testing, and marathon slack calls we have completed the first version of our Eros Trackers to bring full body VR to everyone!