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Committed to Open Source and DIY
Somatic Trackers are opensource hardware designs driven by open source software developed by SlimeVR and is released under a permissive MIT License and Apache 2.0 License. As a way of contributing back to the community that has made all of this possible, we plan to release all of our hardware and software designs to empower others to continue branching and refining this core product to create the best full body tracking possible! This open design empowers the VR community to expand on the SlimeVR ecosystem, create new devices, add compatibility with new software, and improve upon all aspects of the project. For our part, we are focused on helping that community expand full body tracking infrastructure by adding support and interoperability for various devices, protocols, and features. We are part of an active DIY community, members of which build their own SlimeVR trackers, help others get into DIY electronics, contribute to our documentation, and develop hardware with different features and at different price points. All of our hardware is hacker friendly, and we encourage you to use it in new ways and adapt it to your needs!
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